Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm Thinkin On It

Someone dear said to me last night that it would be amazing if I did all the things I spontaneously think about doing. That the products of these ideas would be worthwhile. I don't know if that's true, but it made me think. Am I super lazy? (The answer to this is 'Yes'). I think the other half of the problem is that I don't believe it would be good, as I just stated above. What's my deal? Why don't I think I'm good at anything besides writing essays and droning in offices? Probably because I've never given myself a chance. And I'm lazy.

Seriously. I'm what I would call a 'pleasure seeker,' and I derive the most pleasure from interacting with my friends, which doesn't leave a lot of time for me to work on my personal pursuits, whatever those may be. So far all I do is read. But I think I've done enough reading now to start writing.

Another issue is that I don't usually generate ideas in isolation. I need to talk and ruminate and ramble with others to come to my ideas. Like last night I was arguing about how being bored could give you a rash, because stress can give you a rash, and you can get stressed out from boredom, so boredom is the root cause of the rash. Brian said this was like thinking you could pray yourself pregnant. Which gave me the idea to write a story about a teenage girl named Magdalena who is so bored that she decides to knock herself up. For entertainment. Then I decided I would write a short story every day of my unemployment, which is what started the conversation referred to in the initial thought of this post.

So now you see my process. I'm blogging because of a conversation, and I got a story idea from said conversation.

But maybe I will do more writing. I need to harness my willpower, my belief in myself, and the ability to be alone for more than an hour at a time.

Speaking of hanging out with yourself, I left the CC Club pretty early last night, biked home, and took a long bath. Then I finally hooked up my tv and dvd player and watched The Last Waltz from bed. God damn, that was awesome. So I had a pretty great date with myself. I also realized that I have a crush on Robbie Robertson and Rick Danko. And I LOVE Danko's voice. I had to watch the video to realize he sang 'It Makes No Difference,' which is an inherently sappy song, though it's so god damn sweet that you have to love it. I had a transcendental moment because of that song.

I put the record on, and wasn't really paying attention. I think I was sitting in the windowsill smoking and thinking to myself. Then I sort of spontaneously started crying, weeping actually, until I came to and realized it was the sound of the person's voice who was singing the song. That's when I fell in love with The Band.
Holy shit, what a bunch of amazing musicians. And they all have such incredibly diverse personalities, and each equally interesting. Also Van Morrison's performance is the bomb. He looks like this crazy, chubby little pip squeak next to Robertson and Danko, in a purple bodysuit thing with sparkles. Then he starts singing and you're like, 'Holy shit! Where is that coming from?' Then you realize it's fucking Van Morrison. Yow.

Also, I loved Ron Wood's appearance, along with Ringo Starr, for the finale. He looks like this big hawkish, cynical creep up there amisdt all love vibes being circulated by The Band and co. Very interesting.

Okay, enough ranting. Gotta get moving. Lots of social obligations to distract me from myself.


James said...

Magdalena who is so bored that she decides to knock herself up.

also, as a virgin she gives herself a boredom-rash/std. oh shit.

maybe your first spontaneous inspiration is boredom itself and the great tragedy of your life is that this first overflow of passion (that is utter laziness) negates all those other creative themes which would otherwise freely follow it...


James said...

i wish people would reply to my dry, unnecessary, self-important comments; woe.

James said...

please inform as to the sort of wry begging you'd require in order to make visible part II

thanks always,


James said...

did you know back in the 40's, (i believe. probably 50's) a pseudo popular blonde and somewhat comely poet quite actually locked Robert Fitzgerald in a hotel room for a few days in order to regularly and repeatedly "have her way with him" feeding him only the occasional sandwich. he had a mental breakdown after the ordeal...eventually recovered off course. separate i think from his other occasional anxiety issues (say if 4 people occupied the same room, he'd faint)...what a loon. what an awesome loon though. his poesy is quite intense. for instance:

Reflecting remote swords, chilled in the calm
And liquid darkness, lights along the esplanade
Prolong the night's edge downward all night long

To those whose nostrils ache with the strong darkness

Those who in hunger press against the waters,

Those without birth or death, to whom the cold
Ocean long laboring in her regal womb
Whispers a word of foam.

The lavish cars
Move westward in an eddy and dance of shadow
Under the dazed lamps on the lifeless shore.

Gertrude said...

Wow, so I hadn't seen all these comments. I don't know what kind of begging is required...I don't know how to make myself write. But part II is underway...maybe I'll work on it now....