Monday, March 5, 2007

Big Time Excitement

Last night I was sitting around in Caffetto, working on this blog, making my new email, etc, and I decided to apply to a few law firms for receptionist/admin positions on Craigslist. I figured, what the hell? Why not try to get a decent paying job?
Today I was contacted by the HR department for one of these mysterious 'law firms,' and they invited me to submit a formal application. Woo doggies, there's gold in them thar hills! The job description lists the salary as $31k+. Holy shit. I could pay my bills and student loans and stuff!....and sell my soulllllll. But that's a pretty small price to pay, especially when it's temporary.
So we shall see what comes of this experiment in Real Life Employment. Sure beats the hell out of the Nazi regime known as Juut. Actually, law firms are probably Nazist as well. Whatever. Dolla$.
I'll keep you posted.


Kendra Grant Malone said...

james is gonna haaaattttteeee you.

Anonymous said...

Hello doll. I miss having a girl friend like you to kvetch with. I want to say we're in the same boat with this graduation/employment thing (at least I think so). Against everybody's urgings, I am going to study business. Perhaps in the future we can combine our creative forces into an entrepreneurial extravaganza! Sounds good to me. Just repeat: We are not doomed to administrative assistant hell. Much love, Eve